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About Us


We are a diverse group of citizens in Green County, Wisconsin working together to promote democratic values for a better future for our communities, state, and country.



What do we believe? Also, see our FAQs below.




  • Our County Party meets regularly on the 2nd Thursday of every month

  • Monthly meetings are now in a hybrid format.  Our In-Person meeting starts with a 5:30pm social hour followed by a 6:00pm meeting.  The hybrid format includes an option to join us VIRTUALLY! Please contact us if you would like a ZOOM link by clicking HERE or emailing

  • The public is welcome (except where noted) and we look forward to meeting you! No need to RSVP unless noted.

  • Please check our Calendar for exact times and locations for all of our events


Get Involved

See our Get Involved page to volunteer your time and talents to advocate for progressive values in Green County.



  • Sandy Rindy, Chair

  • Stefani Butts, Vice Chair

  • Ben Dorscheid, Treasurer

  • Jenelle Grogan, Secretary

Denyse Galbreth, HQ Office Manager




Click here to JOIN or to RENEW your membership


Residents of Green County who join the Democratic Party of Wisconsin are automatically members of the Democratic Party of Green County. There are no additional dues for the County Party. 

Annual membership dues are: 


  • $25/yr - General membership price per person.

  • $35/yr - Pair or Family membership price for two or more people who identify as family living under the same roof.

  • $10/yr - Student, Veteran, or Low-Income membership price is per student or individual with limited income.


Or, join for a few dollars a month!  Click "Other Amount" on the link below, then later in the process, click "Make Monthly." It's a great way to help Democratic efforts while barely noticing the amount!


Contributing vs. Joining the Party: What's the difference?

Contact Us

​PO Box 721

Monroe, WI 53566   


The DPGC Head Quarters is located at:

1520 11th St, Monroe


For Office Hours

call or Text: (608) 426-6053



OR . . . complete for form below

Thank you. Someone will contact you withing 24 hours.

DPGC E-Blasts & Important Updates

Click here to sign up to receive our "greencodems" emails


(Frequently Asked Questions)


What do we believe?

  • Healthcare for all

  • Strong public schools

  • Smooth roads and strong bridges

  • Livable wages

  • Affordable broadband (high-speed internet) for all

  • Equality for all

  • And more!


Who are we?

Everyday people from all walks of life. We welcome everyone.


Why should I join?

Because you like your public school and want to keep it strong and fully funded.

Because you want the DNR fully staffed.

Because you believe that healthcare is a right.

Because we have fun making a difference.


Why should I give Democrats any more money?

Democrats do win when they put forth a positive, progressive vision like Obama did. Sometimes, Democrats think they can run on facts or be the anti-Republican. That rarely, if ever, works. It’d be nice if we could run on facts, because the facts support our policy positions. Some of the electorate responds well to facts, but not enough to make the crucial difference in elections.


We need to be promoting our vision, our beliefs, and what is morally right (healthcare, education, and clean air & water for all).


When candidates run who inspire voters, then voters turn out. When voters turn out, Democrats usually win. Republicans know this, and even admitted it. That’s why they push voter ID laws even when voting fraud is extremely rare.


However, not all levels of the Democratic Party understand all of this. When they don’t, then we need to take matters into our own hands at the county level by promoting our ideas online and in the media.


See this list of ways money is spent at the county level.


I don’t care about politics.

Do you care about your taxes, your schools, a safety net if you hit hard times, and access to affordable healthcare? If you said “yes” to any of those, then you care about politics.


I don’t know much about politics, and I don’t know where to start.

Politics can be complex, but it’s easy to understand as you pay more attention. Even just liking some news pages on Facebook and reading the headlines is a great start.


We recommend The New York Times, (a combo of the State Journal and Capital Times), as well as your local newspaper.


This is all too overwhelming.

Yes, it can be complex. However, if you pay attention to what’s going on, little by little, you will start understanding it.


How are you related to the DNC (Democratic National Committee) and the state Democrats (DPW--Democratic Party of Wisconsin)?

The county parties are branches of the state party (DPW). DPW helps the county parties as needed, and takes care of all of the financial and legal aspects. DPW also helps to organize for state and national races.


DPW and DNC come up with a broad vision for the party.


No level of the Democratic Party has control over candidates.


The DNC:

  • Makes rules for caucuses and primaries

  • Is made up of state Democratic Chairs and Vice Chairs of every state, plus Democrats holding state and national positions (governors, Senators, etc.)


How are you different from Republicans?

We believe in wise investments in our lives to make life better for all of us, including strong schools & colleges, and good roads & bridges. We also believe in equality for all. These things are necessary for businesses and private citizens to thrive. Republicans, on the other hand, want to cut investments in these public goods and give our taxes away to rich corporations.


How do I know if I’m a Democrat?

1. Do you believe in strong public schools?

2. Do you believe in protections that keep our air, water, and land clean?

3. Do you believe in protections for workers that keep them safe and paid decently?

4. Do you believe in healthcare for all of us?

5. Do you believe in equality for all of us?


​If you answered "yes" to all or most of these questions, then you share the same values as Democrats.


You don't have to agree with every position to be a Democrat!


Do I have to believe in everything that Democrats support in order to participate?

Absolutely not. We do not quiz you on your beliefs. As long as you want to get Democrats elected to all levels of government, you are welcome to be part of the Party!


What can I do to help?

  1. Encourage people to vote for Democrats by talking of a hopeful vision for us (don’t just be anti-Republican).

  2. Talk about how Democratic ideas have helped you! If you had a positive Obamacare experience, TELL PEOPLE!

  3. Resist bad Republican legislation at all levels by contacting them.

  4. Let your Democratic legislators know that you support them by contacting them.

  5. Join the party

  6. Volunteer for the party, even a little bit!


Why can’t Democrats get more things done?

Before 2009: Democrats and Republicans could work together

2009--Present: Republicans: “We won’t compromise on most things”


With that mentality, and with the Republicans in the majority often under Obama, it was hard for Democrats to pass any legislation.


Not so long ago, Republicans worked with public unions and believed in colleges. Now, they want to kill unions and have cut millions of dollars from colleges. These are extreme positions that Democrats do not agree with at all and are not going to compromise on because they weaken families and America.


Proof of where Republicans are today:

Obamacare was a Republican idea in the 1990s. When the US Senate and House of Representatives passed it in 2009/2010, zero Republicans voted for it.


If Obama was so great, why didn’t he get more stuff done?

See answer above.


Democrats need to have the Presidency and both houses of Congress to pass most legislation. Same for our state. Democrats need to control the Governorship and both houses of the Legislature.


I voted for Obama, but my life didn’t get any better.

A few of many answers:


  1. The man worked hard to form a more perfect Union, but he needed Democrats to control both houses of Congress, and he only had that for a short time

  2. Republicans made it their mission to make him as unsuccessful as possible


He did do many things, many of which are being undone by Republicans today. One was raising the minimum salary that one would be considered “salaried with no overtime.” That would have meant more money for workers, or no more weeks over 40 hours without overtime.


Why do Democrats have to be so liberal?

Compared to the past, Democrats today are not that liberal. If you look at the legislation that Nixon, a Republican, passed and promoted, he was more liberal than most Democrats today.


Nixon formed the EPA (which Republicans want to get rid of now). Nixon wanted the equivalent of Obamacare. Today, Republicans want to discard Obamacare.


I hate the 2-party system of Republicans and Democrats. Why should I support you?

Well, what are you doing to change the 2-party system? Political parties aren’t built by voters only caring about them every 4 years in presidential elections. If you only worked on building a house every 4 years, you probably wouldn’t get very far.


For better or worse, the 2-party system is what we have, and will stay that way until enough citizens fight it and work to build other parties. However, the mass interest to build more parties seems to be lacking.


The answer is to work hard to get our politicians to support policies that we want, instead of dismissing them.


The Democrats will try to give you most--if not all--of what you want politically.


Why should I vote Democratic instead Green Party?

People who supported the Green Party in 2016 for president would have gotten at least 75% of what they wanted if Hillary were in office now. Instead, they are getting 0% with our current president.


You may not think the Democrats are perfect, but what in life is perfect? Do you not work to make something better instead of discarding it entirely?


All politicians are corrupt anyway.

No, some are. Some people in every profession are corrupt. We have to hold people accountable and fire them when they misbehave.


There are many politicians who are honest and scandal-free: Obama, Tammy Baldwin, Russ Feingold, Mark Pocan, Sondy Pope, Mark Spreitzer, Janis Ringhand, and Jon Erpenbach.


Nothing ever changes anyway.   

Obamacare (the ACA) is a HUGE change! No denial of care because of pre-existing conditions and no lifetime limits--these are HUGE!


Change does come. Sometimes it takes awhile, but our government was designed to work slowly.


The candidates/politicians are terrible anyway. It’s always the lesser of 2 evils.

Many of them are smart, caring people who truly care about making our lives better. They often don’t get much credit for working to make life better because what stories does the media cover? Mostly the scandals. Many politicians need to promote their accomplishments more often and keep reminding us of what they’ve done.


Do you think of a choice between spending the night with one friend or the other a choice between “the lesser of 2 evils?” Or the choice between steak or lobster as the “lesser of 2 evils? So why do we apply that phrase to politicians?


Frankly, talking like this poisons the conversation. Remember, we are the government!


Why do we expect politicians to be perfect? Is anyone perfect?


Contact US

Permanent office now open!


1520 11th St

Monroe, WI 53566


Open Wed.  12 - 5:30pm

            Thur.  12 - 5:30pm

            Fri.      12 - 5:30pm

            Sat.     10am - 4pm


(608) 426-6053 (Only call; text n/a)


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Paid for by the Democratic Party of Green County. Ben Dorscheid, Treasurer.

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